مصدر وتنظيم نيكوتيناميد الأدينين ثنائي النوكليوتيد

مصدر وتنظيم نيكوتيناميد الأدينين ثنائي النوكليوتيد

14 مارس 2023

There are two main sources of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide: one is reduced from NAD+ through the oxidation pathway; the other is phosphorylated from NAD+ through the choline pathway. The content of NADP in organisms is closely related to the balance between its synthesis and utilization. The rate at which organisms synthesize NADP depends on factors such as nutritional status and cell proliferation rate. The consumption of NADPH is related to the intensity of the metabolic activity of the organism. There are a series of mechanisms to regulate the generation and utilization of NADP in the cell, such as regulating the enzyme activity on the NADP biosynthesis pathway, regulating the distribution and utilization of NADP in the cell, regulating the redox state of the cell, etc., to maintain the balance of NADP in the cell . In recent years, the balance regulation mechanism of NADP has gradually received attention. Studies have shown that the regulation of NADP metabolism is related to the occurrence and development of some diseases, such as neurodegenerative diseases and immune system disorders, so it is expected to become a new target for the treatment of these diseases.
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